Frequently Ask Question

Is Ads Molly Accept International Affiliates?
Although we’d like to accept affiliates from all over the world.
What Type of Traffic Ads Molly Allow?
We accept all kinds of traffic that helps you make money easily (Incent traffic not allowed).but you must read before start, read all offer terms and conditions, allowed types of traffic. What Are Your Payment Terms and Payment Options? We have automated Net-15 payment method but we pay weekly too. Minimum payouts are:
  • Webmoney - 50$
  • Payoneer - 100$
  • Paxum - 250$
  • Paypal - 500$
  • ePayments - 500$
  • Wire - 1000$
  • Is Ads Molly have referral program?
    Yes, we pay 5% from the affiliate’s profit. Is Ads Molly has fraud prevention system? We have many automated tools in place to alert us to possible fraud. Our team also monitors the activities of merchants and affiliates alike, to make sure that there is no suspicious activity.We have a ZERO tolerance policy for fraud, no exceptions, no second chances.
    How Do I Become An Advertiser?
    Simply contact us here at: [email protected] and provide description of your company, offer(s), payout(s) and anything else you feel is warranted to inform us. our manager will kncok you.
    Can I Contact Your Affiliates Directly?
    All communication to affiliates has to channel through our staff as we don’t allow advertisers to directly contact our affiliates (for obvious reasons). What Type of Quality Can We Expect From Your Affiliates? We pride ourselves on having an excellent, high-quality affiliate base here at Ads Molly and we accomplish this by screening our new affiliates through a very rigorous process. You can rest assured that you’ll receive nothing but the highest quality traffic from our affiliates.